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Ten Years Later
Almost exactly 10 years ago, on April 8th, 2002, I first set foot in this land of India that I love so much. One of the things I did on that first trip was learn to speak with some little girls who worked daily, picking through trash along the roadsides, and would always stop at my host family's home to receive clean water and cookies. Over time, these girls began attending a Sunday School class, and then a little boy named Govind joined also. At seven years of age, one of his lungs was already completely dead due to TB, and his second lung was dying. His emaciated body fought for each breath, he was coughing up blood, and his skin was hot with fever. He was dying but God had a much better plan. God helped us to love Govind with prayer in Jesus' Name and medicines that his family could never have afforded. In January, after all this time, we met seventeen year old Govind. With deep gratitude, he knows the value of those prayers and life saving medicines. What does it cost to save a life from TB in India? About $25 a month for eight months. An incredibly cheap investment for such a big return!
Himalaya Women's Conference
In February, I had the privilege of being a small part of an international ministry team of 11 women. We were at the Himalaya Women's Conference with women from India, Nepal and Bhutan. Originally expecting an attendance of 400, the numbers swelled daily to over 600 as more and more ladies came over the hills and borders to find God's deliverance and hear of His love. We were told of the story of a family far away in which the wife desperately needed God's miraculous touch. This is a simple farm family, but the husband loved his wife dearly and believed that if she could just get to the conference she would be healed. The man sold his only farm horse in order to pay for her journey. When the senior pastor was told this, he traveled to visit the farmer to see how they were making do without the work horse. The pastor saw the grown son pulling the plow and the husband doing the planting behind. This man's sacrifice was great and God honored his faith so that the wife was completely blessed at the conference.

It certainly made me think about our lives and the blessings we have. And also, how we sometimes need to stir up our hunger for the things of God again... to go back to our "first love."  When is the last time we were so desperate for God's touch for ourselves or on the life of someone we love that we were willing to part with everything of value just to get close to Him...just to touch the hem of His robe.

It was truly an amazing conference with hundreds of women that God delivered and transformed.

Blessings and HOPE!

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